Before you go on with the reading,

She's making her own way. With Allah by her side.

If you don't mind, read this blog from the first post. But If you mind, don't basically judge if you don't know what happened before :)


January 13, 2025

130125 - its 2025 ; how's life has been so far


as i was scrolling down my posting in the dashboard, I came across a post on January 2015.

it has been 10 years. I miss that part of me being linguistic. 

So how's life so far?

Alhamdulillah - for everything; Yang diberi pinjam, yang belum diberi, yang telah hadir, yang telah pergi dan yang masih ada di sini.

I think I am again - creating a boundary - I hate the noisy sounds of people buzzing talking about others with hatred. Its hard to control the emotions, but let only Allah be the Best listener for us, right?

For the past few years of adulting; I've learned so much ; about being 'adult'

Friendship that has been made and lost. Business deal that I had and missed.

Fear that I have overcome and there's still yet so many unknowns. 

People in Gaza is dying and the world is moving as usual - I feel helpless and selfish. 

Global warming has taken its toll slowly on us.

I just want to focus on Good Vibes, Self Improvement, Be Beneficial for others and to be able to give the best that I could for the beloved ones. Less Drama or No at all. Amiiin...

and yeah, I have two kids now - for them are my responsibility. To nurture the best values in them.

To stay humble & never be far astray, InshaAllah  .

My first one is going to be in Standard one soon , and for months I have been doing Istikharah for his school. Guide me Ya Allah, kita usaha & tawakal. I am thankful for his milestones so far, from a timid little boy to him now. It is still a long way to go, but let this be my saham akhirah.

the second one already has her own personality, cheeky but sometimes can be bold minded, strong determination - yeah you go girl. You should be one. 

so, let's see when will I be doing some write up again?

but for now, Thank You Allah.

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