Before you go on with the reading,

She's making her own way. With Allah by her side.

If you don't mind, read this blog from the first post. But If you mind, don't basically judge if you don't know what happened before :)


July 29, 2012

101. She's Maryam. #shortnote.

I don't know what I should write.

ThankYou Allah,
for such a journey.

I'm catching my breath.
There's the lowest point in life, but that's the sweetest.

Semoga Maryam kuat dan ada keberanian untuk bersuara atas apa yang dia rasakan benar dan mahu diberikan keadilan.
(Amboi. cakap macam lawyer)

Dah lama blog ini macam bertona suram dan melankoly bukan?
mari tukar tema.
Terminal ERL Salak Tinggi.
Ramadhan 1433

p/s : aku kagum melihat adik perempuanku. moga baiknya dia, aku terima dan buruknya aku redha dan sama-sama perbaiki diri. sebab, her kak Na is not good as her. 


1 comment:

kid @ istisyhad said...

Kak maryam and aishah perlu bertaaruf balik tp as adik beradik yang akhawat...hehe