Before you go on with the reading,

She's making her own way. With Allah by her side.

If you don't mind, read this blog from the first post. But If you mind, don't basically judge if you don't know what happened before :)


June 24, 2013

.44. Cara Berbeza.

"macam mana abin boleh join benda benda usrah ni?"


"kak na rasa kalau tak kerana hidayah Allah, kak na memang keras hati. takde makna tarbiyyah tarbiyyah. usrah usrah ni. kan kak na kan degil"


"abin just suka join join program. tetiba terjoin benda ni"


"the way we meet tarbiyyah, berbeza kan bin"

to be continued.

conversation  malam duapuluhduabulanenamtahun dua ribu tiga belas. lebih kurang sembilan malam. di kawasan rumah sambil berjalan dalam asap jerebu.

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